Useful Links


Schulamt, Landkreis Schweinfurt – the “staatliches Schulamt” for the Landkreis Schweinfurt is the office responsible for all grammar and middle schools (Grund- und Mittelschulen) in the city and county of Schweinfurt.  The director of the Schulamt is Gabriele Freiberg, email:

Amt für Sport und Schulen

Schule und Familie – vom Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst.

Familienwegweiser – the Familienwegweiser is a pamphlet written in German.  It is a goldmine of information regarding activities and issues for young families in Schweinfurt.  Although there is very little information about schools in particular, the pamphlet has topics such as sports, child care, religious activities and free-time activities for children.